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Potential prolonged effects

When following a ketogenic diet for a long time, some people can start to experience adverse effects. Low pH in the urine can make it easier for crystals to form, which can lead to kidney stones. kidney stones are a common problem for children following a ketogenic diet, and About 5% will experience this issue. However, it can be treated, while still adhering to the diet. 

There is some evidence that taking potassium citrate supplements lowers the risk of getting kidney stones. This is because potassium citrate binds to calcium in the bloodstream and lowers the amount of calcium in the blood, however, research needs to be expanded in this area. It is also recommended that people that follow a ketogenic diet supplement with other Vitamins and minerals to help avoid any unwanted side effects, starting with a multivitamin, vitamin D and magnesium.

Keto side effects in adults

Adults who follow a ketogenic diet frequently experience side effects such as decreased body weight, altered bowel movements, and increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Alterations in hormone levels and disruptions to the menstrual cycle are also possible for women.

Is keto flu real?

keto flu is a normal part of starting a ketogenic diet, detoxing from sugar and wheat can cause you to feel quite crappy, however, this is a normal part of crossing over into ketosis. When your body enters a state of ketosis, you may experience a variety of unpleasant side effects, including headaches, tiredness, aches and pains in the muscles, nausea, and diarrhoea. 

These adverse effects are due to the fact that your body is adjusting to using fat as its primary source of energy rather than carbohydrates, which causes the body to go through a period of adaptation. Your body will begin to adjust to the new fuel source after a few days or a week, and you will begin to feel better as a result of this adjustment.

Keto mood swings

At first, the notion that your mood can be affected by the food you eat may appear to be completely absurd. However, if you have ever felt tense after consuming an excessive amount of caffeine or irritability in the middle of a meal, then you already have some experience with the connection between your nutrition and your mood. A ketogenic diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, has several positive effects on mental health.

It is possible that your initial weight loss may not last.

It is well-known that the ketogenic diet can result in an initial period of rapid weight loss. This is because carbohydrates store more water than protein or fat. Once you stop eating carbs, the surplus water will be expelled through urine. After the initial weight loss, it is normal for the amount you lose to be less as you will not be eating large amounts of carbohydrates. if you were to start eating carbs again then you would gain back some water weight.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that following a ketogenic diet helps with the reduction of excess fat. According to the findings of Italian researchers, those who followed a ketogenic diet for 25 days lost an average of 12 pounds. On the other hand, researchers point out that there are not many studies on whether or not the pounds will stay off in the long term if you do not continue with it.

Many people can have a difficult time adhering to a ketogenic diet long-term as it can be quite restrictive, and this is the reason why we don’t refer to it as being a diet and look at it as a way of eating. We all know diets don’t work long-term and like any diet, if you stop and revert to your old way of eating you will gain weight again.