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Sugar, what is it?

Sugar is a carbohydrate. The body converts these carbohydrates into energy for the body to use. Sugar is naturally within our food and drinks, but it is also added to many manufactured, processed food and beverages to make them taste better.

When we think of sugar, we usually think of the white stuff that we put in our tea or coffee. We never think that there is sugar in our food, yet we consume large amounts of it every day without even realising it.

Sugar in our food


Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugars. Our blood sugar rises every time we eat high carbohydrate food like bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and junk food.

The body automatically tries to bring blood sugars back to normal, and it does this by producing insulin. If you continue to eat high carbohydrate food, the insulin that your body produces starts to become less and less effective.

It may take as long as ten years of consuming a high sugar diet before you notice any ill effects but trust me, it will happen. It’s like a slow poison, and over that time, you are causing untold damage to the body, and some of it is likely irreversible.

Once the insulin that our bodies produce stops responding, it leads to

  • Insulin resistance
  • Prediabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes

All of the above is totally reversible and not lifelong illnesses. They are created by consuming sugar in our food and drinks, stop consuming sugar, and you can reverse these conditions in a matter of weeks.

Sugar in our food


When we choose the food that makes up our diet, we need to look at the carbohydrate content of that food because the body converts carbohydrates into sugar once you have eaten it.

You may think that eating rice is okay but 150g of rice contains a whopping ten teaspoons of sugar! You wouldn’t drink a cup of tea with ten teaspoons of sugar, but we are unknowingly eating that amount in our food every day.

Sugar in our food


We have an obesity and disease epidemic. Why,? Because we have swapped our natural ancestral diet for one that animals use to fatten themselves up for winter, during times when food is scarce, yet we are doing it every single day! By eating large amounts of high carbohydrate food.

Carbohydrates = sugar

  1. Sugar causes an insulin response
  2. Insulin is a fat storage hormone
  3. Insulin shunts fat into the fat cells

Sugar and fat combined = disease and obesity.

Sugar in our food